15th International Fathers Forum Tato.Net, Katowice, Poland, 2023.10.28

Strength and Tenderness

A father’s remedy for times of chaos, 15th International Fathers Forum Tato.Net, Katowice, Poland, 2023.10.28

Our children are experiencing hate, violence and pressure both in reality and online. The media are fueling fears connected with the pandemic, war and climate change and are invoking permanent fear. This is leading to serious health problems and is resulting in a sense of lack of security.

As fathers we want to come to grips with this problem and give our children what they need most of all today: tenderness and strength

Come to the 15th International Fathers Forum Tato.Net.
Meet the experts and join a unique community of hundreds of fathers who are seeking the best methods of building a healthy family.

You will find out how to become stronger in supporting your children, how to reinforce them with required skills and fill them with strength and hope. You will strengthen your adaptive skills and learn how to react flexibly to challenges, find unconventional solutions and become a wise leader and companion in a world which is constantly changing – but in a world where your child will always be able to count on you.

You will discover how to become a father, stong but also sensitive.
Dariusz Cupiał Ph.D.



Author: Tato.Net editorial office

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