Dr. Dariusz Cupiał

Founder of the Cyril and Methodius Foundation, initiator of Tato.Net, trainer. Graduate of the Catholic University of Lublin, scholarship holder at the Institute For Ecumenical and Cultural Research, Saint John's University in Collegeville, USA, belongs to the Association of Social Innovators ASHOKA and the Association Diakonia Światło-Życie (Oasis - Light-Life Movement). He participates in the work of the Family Council under the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy and the National Development Council - the Council for Family, Education and Upbringing under the President of the Republic of Poland. As a trainer, he has conducted more than 2,000 hours of training for fathers, including more than 250 inmates in prisons and detention centers. He is the author of numerous articles and books: Na drodze ewangelizacji i ekumeni ("On the Road of Evangelization and Ecumenism") and Kolumbowie naszego pokolenia ("Colombians of Our Generation"), co-editor of the monograph Czas na Tatę ("Time for Dads" - third volume of the ABC series. Analysis Research Goals). Passionate about canoeing, horseback riding and mountains. Father of three adult children, grandfather of five grandchildren.