STRENGTH & TENDERNESS – the phenomenon of the 15th International Tato.Net Fathers Forum

When we think of the perfect father, we imagine a figure who is both strong as a rock-solid foundation and full of understanding and sensitivity to a child's needs. That is the combination of "strength" and "tenderness." These two seemingly opposing words were the central theme of the 15th International Tato.Net Forum, which took place on October 28, 2023 in Katowice, Poland.
Many fathers wonder whether it's possible to be both strong and sensitive at the same time, or if such a combination of traits is contradictory. The forum provided a clear answer, demonstrating that these qualities are fundamental to modern fatherhood.
Tenderness, in this context, does not mean "over-sensitivity," but rather the highest level of fatherly awareness and the ability to respond to the needs and emotions of one's children. In the age of the digital revolution and uncertain times, such sensitivity is key to building lasting family relationships. Strength, on the other hand, is not solely based on physical power but on providing children with support, a sense of security, and stability.
The speakers at the Forum emphasised this balance between strength and sensitivity. Dr. Ken Canfield, a researcher from the USA, bestselling author on fatherhood, and the founder of the National Center for Fathering, shared his insights on the role of strong fathers during times of chaos. Dr. hab. Kazimierz Korab, based on examples taken from history, highlighted the important role that the balance between strength and sensitivity plays in a man's life. According to Dr. Korab, strength without sensitivity can be compared to Goliath, who was defeated by David—a man who balanced strength with sensitivity.
Thoughts on strength and sensitivity were complemented by excellent presentations from experts who, on a daily basis, work on developing useful skills, both in personal and professional life. During the panels and talks, individuals such as dr. Joaquin G. Molina, Shane Barkley, dr. Gregory Slayton from USA and artists like Andrzej Mierzejewski and Andrzej Lampert discussed these aspects.
Strength often resides in young people; you just need to be sensitive to their intuition and trust that intuition,
emphasized Jerzy Brzęczek, a well-known coach and the manager of the Polish national soccer team, who was one of the speakers at the Forum. Meanwhile, Dr. Mateusz Szpytma from the Institute of National Remembrance, encouraged participants to take action, citing the words of Dr. Orison Sweet Marden:
Don't wait for extraordinary circumstances. Seize common opportunities and make them great. Weak people wait for favourable conditions, strong people create them!
Tato.Net Forum - a place for exciting conversations and sharing experiences
As it happens every year, the fathers attending the Forum emphasised that, in addition to the valuable lectures and presentations, the opportunity to meet with fathers for whom family and the relationships with their children are a top priority, was equally important to them. Every conversation, even during coffee breaks, served as a source of inspiration and support. This paternal networking - a process of exchanging information, resources, mutual support, and opportunities, facilitated through a beneficial network of contacts - makes the Tato.Net Forum a unique event on the conference map of Poland and Europe.
The professional organisation and structure of the Forum program also deserve attention. In addition to lectures and presentations on the main stage, participants could take part in two out of twenty different workshops of their choice - the so-called TatoSphere. In the TatoSphere, six thematic tracks were prepared: digital, family, work, health, education and culture, spirituality. Thanks to this, everyone could find something for themselves and return home not only with new knowledge but also with specific tools and skills. Additionally, for one month, every Forum participant will have access to recordings from the entire event, including all twenty TatoSphere groups.
The growing strength and value of the Tato.Net community are also evident in the fact that during the Forum, leaders of new Father's Clubs Tato.Net from Poland, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, and the United Kingdom were introduced. This is the best proof that the Tato.Net idea goes beyond borders and becomes an inspiration for fathers worldwide.
MAX Gala - Outstanding Individuals and Awarded Initiatives
An accompanying event to the Forum was the MAX Gala, during which the MAX Statuettes were handed. These statuettes are given by the International Program Council of Tato.Net for contributions to building a culture of responsible fatherhood.
In the category of the individual, the award was given to Jerzy Brzęczek – a footballer (soccer), coach, and a father of two – for his educational and sports support, which he has been persistently providing to the younger generation for years. He started as an uncle to his nephew and later became a coach for many young football players.
In the category of the work, Dr. hab. Dorota Kornas-Biela, prof. KUL, the author of 8 books and over 200 scientific articles dedicated to the topic of fatherhood and family, received the award for her impressive research work. For many years, she has highlighted the significant role of fathers in contemporary family life and effectively utilises the latest knowledge in psychology and education.
In the category of the institution, Fundacja Małych Stópek (the Small Steps Foundation) received by Pr. Tomasz Kancelarczyk was honoured for their tireless efforts in filling the hole left by absent fathers, through caring for children and their mothers, as well as promoting a culture of responsible fatherhood and the civilisation of life.
The TopDads Recognition for the best fatherhood advertisements was awarded to PLL LOT for their advertising campaign, "Ważne z kim podróżujesz" (It Matters Who You Travel With), which strengthens the positive image of fathers in the public consciousness.
The excellent atmosphere and musical accompaniment of the MAX Gala and Forum were the work of the exceptional artist Joszko Broda, who, playing the horn, “trumped” the beginning and conclusion of the Forum and Gala, and presented unique sounds from folk musical instruments on the stage.
Honorary Patronage
The 15th edition of the Forum was held under the Honorary Patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda.
Sponsors of the Tato.Net Forum
The event was sponsored by the following organizations: Fundacja Służąc Życiu, Konkret Sp. z o.o. Sp.k.,, ST Sp. z o.o. Sp.k., Polskie Porty Lotnicze S.A., ALTER, Tarasola Sp. z o.o. Sp. k., CoAction Sp. z.o.o., fiberCAMERA, Bialcon S.A., and
Partners of the Tato.Net Forum
The event's partners included: The National Center For Fathering, Family First Global, Krajowa Grupa Spożywcza S.A., Sandler Twarowski & Partners Sales Institute (TPSI), Legimi S.A., Wikpol Sp. z o.o., Kopeć & Zaborowski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni Sp. p., Sinclair Image Sp. z o.o., Zaborze 47 Agroturystyczne Gospodarstwo Ekologiczne, Ziaja Ltd, Instytut Pokolenia, Miasto Krosno, PLL LOT, Panomedia, POL-MAK S.A., uKawiarza, MCK Katowice.
Media Patrons
The event had the support of media patrons including: Gość Niedzielny, KAI, and Program Pierwszy Polskiego Radia. Local partners included Być Mężczyzną, Dziennik Zachodni, Instytut Wiedzy o Rodzinie i Społeczeństwie, Miasto Katowice, Nasze Miasto, Nowe Radio Piekary, Polskie Radio Lublin, Radio Doxa, Radio eM, Radio Opole, Radio Warszawa, and TVP3 Katowice.
Co-host of the event: City of Katowice